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Getting to Know Mike Perez


#29 Catcher Mike Perez

What’s one thing fans don’t know about Coach Finwood? He’s a modern day philosopher.

What’s your favorite food? Grandmas cooking.

Who is the most talented person on the team and what is their talent? Kurt Sinnen, dancing.

Who do you room with on the road, and what is it like rooming with him? Josh Eldridge. It is a dream come true.

What the best thing about road trips? What the worst thing? Hanging out with teammates and winning. Trying to keep up with schoolwork.

Do you have any game superstitions? If so, what? Drink an AMP.

What is your favorite pro sports team? Favorite pro athlete? Washington Redskins. Alex Ovechkin

What are you majoring in, or plan to major in? Information systems and technology.

Besides professional baseball, what is your dream job? A job associated with a professional sports team.

If you could have dinner with any three people, past or present, who would they be? Roberto Clemente, Greivis Vasquez and Bryce Harper.

What is something unique about you? Love to travel.

What has been the biggest change for you coming to ODU? Adjusting to not seeing my family often.

Favorite vacation spot? OBX.

What’s the most important individual goal you have set for yourself this season? Help my pitchers be successful.