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Getting to Know Ryan Yarbrough


#25 Left Handed Pitcher - Ryan Yarbrough


Q: What made you want to come to ODU, besides baseball? Being close to the beach.


Q: What’s one thing fans don’t know about Coach Finwood? Really inspirational.


Q: What’s your favorite food? Steak.


Q: Who is the most talented person on the team and what is their talent? Dylan (Hill) singing songs from Pitch Perfect.


Q: Who do you room with on the road, and what is it like rooming with him? Tommy Alexander. He talks about Forty Fort and Calvin.


Q: What game(s) are you looking forward to most this season? Rice, Virginia, ECU, GA Tech (Season opener)


Q: What music do you listen to before games? Rock, Rap.


Q: Do you have any game day superstitions? If so, what? I take a really long time to stretch before game time.


Q: Who has the best nickname on the team? Do you have nickname, if so, what is it? Kurt Sinnen with “Squirt.” My nicknames are Yarby, Yarbitron and Gator


Q: What is your favorite pro sports team? Favorite pro athlete? Atlantic Braves, Chipper Jones.


Q: What are you majoring in, or plan to major in? Communications.

Q: If you could have dinner with any three people, past or present, who would they be? Randy Johnson, Greg Maddux, Chipper Jones

Q: What is something unique about you? Can’t grow facial hair.

Q: What has been the biggest change for you coming to ODU? Adjusting to the colder weather.

Q: Favorite vacation spot? Bahamas.