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Getting to Know Jordan Negrini


#22 Third Baseman / Outfielder - Jordan Negrini

Q: What made you want to come to ODU, besides baseball? I thought it was always nice weather and close to the beach.

Q: What’s one thing fans don’t know about Coach Finwood? He has a really smart dog.

Q: What’s your favorite food? Teriyaki beef and rice.

Q: Who is the most talented person on the team and what is their talent? Our grounds keeper Big Mike, he knows how to maintain a field.

Q: Who do you room with on the road, and what is it like rooming with him? (Tyler) Urps. He’s lucky he doesn’t snore. He sleep-talks from time to time though.

Q: Who has the best nickname on the team? Ryan Yarbrough “Gator”

Q: What is your favorite pro sports team? Favorite pro athlete? New York Yankees and Derek Jeter.

Q: Besides professional baseball, what is your dream job? Be an entrepreneur.

Q: If you could have dinner with any three people, past or present, who would they be? Derek Jeter, Peyton Manning, Connor Myers.

Q: What is something unique about you? I like to surf and spear fish.

Q: Favorite vacation spot? Maui

Q: What’s the most important individual goal you have set for yourself this season? Do my part to get better and help the team get to post season.