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Get to Know Your Monarchs: Troy Butler Q&A


During fall camp, featured one Monarch a day in a "Get to Know Your Monarchs" segment.  That will continue during the season, as we get to know sophomore center/guard, Troy Butler.

Q. What are you studying here at ODU? Currently Criminal Justice. It’s always interested me ever since I was a little kid.

Q. You have played every game so far this year, how did that feel? It was a super cool experience. I’m Glad I have received a lot of playing time this year.

Q. If you could play for an NFL team who would you want to play for? My favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. Plus it’s warm there.

Q. What are some of your favorite community service projects to do as a team? So far the Little Feet Meet that we did last Spring. It was awesome getting to play sports with the kids and help out the Special Olympics.

Q. What is one thing that makes you unique? I’d say my personality. I can make anyone laugh.

Q. How do you feel now that you have accomplished your goals of winning every home game? I think it was always attainable; we just had to put in the work to get there. It was awesome finally accomplishing it. Now we have to focus on our final game and getting the win there.

 Q. What do you think about the move to Conference USA and the FBS? It’s a great opportunity for the whole university and us. We get to play some great competition and that will help us excel in the future as a program.

Q. If you could choose to be in a movie or a TV show for a month what show would you pick? Can I pick a video game? I’d have to say Call of Duty! I think that would be a lot of fun!

Q. What is another hobby you have besides football? I really like to fish when I’m at home with all my buddies. We like to go out and just hang out.

Q. What is your most memorable moment from the season so far? Probably just coming out of the tunnel to a soldout stadium every game. That was an awesome experience.

Q. What was it like flying all the way to Idaho to play a game? That was a trip. But it was totally worth it because we got the win.

Q. When your getting ready for a game is there anything special that you do to mentally prepare yourself? I just listen to music to get focused and look over the play sheet to make sure I have all my responsibilities down.

Q. What is one of your most embarrassing moments either in practice or in a game?  Probably just running the wrong play. When everyone is going right and I’m going left, that’s always good one.

Q. What is one thing that you have always wanted to learn how to do? David Born has been trying to teach me how to play guitar. It’s kind of tough to do during the season but maybe in the spring I’ll have more time to master it.

Q. What do you think the most valuable skill an offensive center should possess? You have to be really smart. You have to make you calls and know that those are the right calls and go with it.

Q. What are you plans after you graduate? Will you continue to be involved in football? I’d love to stay involved. I’m not sure how I would do that yet but I would love to stay involved somehow.

Q. Of all your teammates, who would win homecoming king? I’d have to say Taylor (Heinicke), everybody loves him.

Q. If you could trade places with any other sports star, who would it be and why? I really like Jason Witten on the Cowboys. He has this mentality, he always catches the ball and never show boats. I’d love to be him!

Q. What advice would you give to yourself as a young football player? Get a work ethic early. When your young you need to develop a good work ethic. That will not only help you in football but all areas of life.

Q. What’s the one thing you can’t wait to eat for thanksgiving? My mom and aunt are going to cook, so I’m just going to eat everything I see. But we always have a good fried turkey so I can’t wait to dig into that.

Q. Which one would you prefer: being inducted into the Hall of Fame or having a Super Bowl win? I’d say the Super Bowl win. It’s more of a team thing than an individual thing. It means more when you work to achieve something like that as a team.

Q. What was the hardest thing to get used to after your move from right guard to center? Getting through the snap and then the calls. But I always had Josh Mann to help me out and he’s been a great mentor for me. I think I better understand the calls now because of him.

Q. What was the most appealing thing about ODU during the recruiting process? I love the start up program and that they sell out every game. Also I like that it was local for me. I loved coming to ODU games when I was in high school and never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would have been down there playing.

Q. What is your favorite part of game day? Doing the Monarch March is awesome. I love getting to see the fans and their energy, but there’s no other feeling like walking through that tunnel and seeing all those fans cheering for us!

Q. Who on the team would be elected as more energetic and enthusiastic than Big Blue? There’s a lot to choose from, probably one of our defensive players for sure.

Q. What is one thing you’d like to say to all the 12th Monarchs out there? Thanks for everything and for making it a great experience! We love you guys.