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Get to Know Your Monarchs: Sandy Chapman Q&A


During fall camp, featured one Monarch a day in a "Get to Know Your Monarchs" segment.  That will continue during the season, as we get to know true freshman cornerback, Sandy Chapman.

Q: What are you studying? I’m undecided right now but I’m thinking about majoring in criminal justice

Q: How has playing football in college differed from high school? It’s a lot faster but the game is still the same. It’s not that much different except for the terminology.

Q: How old were you when you started playing football? I was about eight years old.

Q: How did it feel to start to get your first career start in ODU’s first ever win over an FBS opponent? It felt good. I just went into it as if it were another game. I didn’t give it too much thought because I’ve done it before.

Q: What was your favorite movie as a child? The Lion King.

Q: How does it feel to be playing with your high school teammate David Washington? It feels good. It feels like old times.

Q: If you could play any other sport what would you want to play? That’s hard. I would play table tennis.

Q: How do you personally prepare for a game? I don’t do too much because if I do then it will mess me up.

Q: Do you have any specific goals you want to achieve at ODU? I want to break a lot of records. Not anything in particular but I want my name in the books.  

Q: What is your favorite part about playing cornerback? I like the look on the wide receivers face when they cannot catch the ball.

Q: If you could play another position what would you like to try? I would like to try defensive end.

Q: Who on the team is the biggest role model? In my eyes, Eriq Lewis. Even though he is hurt right now, he brings a lot of energy. He is like another coach on the field.

Q: What was it like playing in your first college game? I couldn’t believe it at first because I never thought I would be playing Division 1 college football as a true freshman.

Q: Who is your favorite athlete? That is hard because I like a lot of athletes. I would probably have to say Adrian Peterson.

Q: Who is your role model? My mom is my role model.

Q: What do you like to outside of football? I like to sleep.

Q: What are your thoughts going into the last home game? We have to win.

Q: What is the most important lesson you’ve learned as a freshman athlete? If a coach starts to yell at you it’s not the tone of the voice he’s using, it’s the message he’s trying to send.