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Get to Know Your Monarchs: Jarod Brown Q&A


During fall camp, featured one Monarch a day in a "Get to Know Your Monarchs" segment.  That will continue during the season, as we get to know senior kicker, Jarod Brown.

Q: What is your major? Sports management.

Q: Why did you choose to attend Old Dominion? Coach Z (Special Teams coach Mike Zyskowski). He recruited me pretty hard and helped me understand that this was going to be the best place for me.

Q: Do you know what your plans are after you graduate? I don’t know yet. I really don’t. I want to try to play in the NFL if I can. If not, I’m going to try to get a job in the sports management field somehow. I’m not exactly sure.

Q: What is your favorite football memory at ODU? I think the first JMU game at home. It was raining and it was cold. They were supposed to beat us but we beat them 23-20. We blocked a field goal on the last play to win. It was pretty cool.

Q: How does it feel to have the FCS record for most extra points without a miss? It was pretty cool. I would’ve liked to do it again this year or get close to it this year. I missed one, but it was a good thing. It was an extra point but you’re supposed to make them all, you’re not supposed to miss.

Q: What is your favorite TV show? Sons of Anarchy.

Q: What are some personal goals you set for yourself this year? I wanted to be perfect all year. I wanted to get at least 35 touchbacks, I had 30 last year. Obviously I haven’t been perfect on field goals but I’ve done really well so far and I’m on track for the 35 touchbacks.

Q: If you could be any athlete or celebrity for one day who would it be? I would say Cristiano Ronaldo because soccer’s my favorite sport and he’s kind of a celebrity anyway.

Q: Do you have any pregame rituals? I just try to listen to all my music. I have a playlist that I listen to every game and I start it at the pregame meals.

Q: How does it feel going from CAA to C-USA? It’s been pretty cool so far. It’s been tough, we’ve played some pretty big schools and they’re going to keep playing even bigger schools next year and the years to come. It’s been a pretty crazy transition just with getting the bigger recruits in.

Q: What is something that most people do not know about you? I sing a lot. I was in chorus all throughout middle school and high school. I like to sing.

Q: When you were a kid did you think you would accomplish the many things you have thus far?  To be honest, I have no idea what I thought when I was a kid. I didn’t think I was going to play football for sure. I guess not, just because football wasn’t even a thought. It was just something I did at the end of my high school career to be able to just branch out and not play soccer all the time.

Q: How long did you play soccer for? I played soccer since I was probably 7. My older brothers started playing and then my younger brother and I started playing after that.

Q: Did you think you were going to go to school for soccer? Up until probably my sophomore year I wanted to and then my junior year I started playing football and I realized it was going to be a better opportunity.

Q: How has coach Wilder influenced you? His aim high philosophy is something to really strive for. It’s something that he tries to put in place for every aspect in our lives so it’s pretty good that we can look at that and say we don’t only have it for football, we can use it our whole life. He says if you aim high, you miss high and that’s something we always like to strive for and it’s been a good thing for me trying to be better all the time.

Q: Who on the team could you see being a comedian in 10 years? I would say David Washington for sure. He’s probably one of the craziest guys. He likes to make jokes all the time and does the weirdest things that are just funny.

Q: If you could go back and give yourself a little advice as a young athlete, what would you say?  Never stop training at your skill. If you’re a quarterback, a kicker, a wide receiver just everything you could do to perfect your skill, just do it. Don’t take any time off when it comes to perfecting your skill.

Q: What is your favorite NFL team? My favorite team is the Colts. My family’s originally from Indiana so I am not a bandwagon fan.

Q: Who is your biggest supporter? My dad, definitely. Both my parent’s really. They come to every game they can. They have to split times between my brother’s games and mine. My dad is always around, he loves it and I can hear him in the stands over everyone even though there are 20,000 people yelling.

Q: If you could buy any car in the world what kind would you choose? I would get a Dodge Viper. That’s been the car I wanted since I could remember. I always say if I make it in the NFL, I would buy a Dodge Viper.

Q: What is your favorite part about being a kicker? When you’re on the field everyone is watching you. Any other position you have a lot of people on the field at the same time doing a lot of different things that people watch but as far as kickers go they watch us on the field. You’re the only one that gets seen. It’s not always a good thing but it’s a pretty cool thing for us.

Q: What are you going to miss most about football when you graduate? Just being around the team, being able to play with the guys. Just being on a team every single day and having a lot of teammates to have your back all the time.