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Get to Know Your Monarchs: Andrew Everett Q&A


During fall camp, featured one Monarch a day in a "Get to Know Your Monarchs" segment.  That will continue during the season, as we get to know sophomore defensive end, Andrew Everett

Andrew Everett/DE/Lawrenceville, Ga.

Q. What are you studying here at ODU? I’m studying Exercise Science. I’ve trained a lot for football and I really liked what the trainer did and I wanted to do that too.

Q.  What was one of your favorite things to do growing up in Lawrenceville, Georgia?

I liked the close-knit community. Everybody knew everybody and I really like that.

Q. If you could play for an NFL team who would you want to play for? The Atlanta Falcons for sure! They’re my hometown team!

Q. What are some of your favorite community service projects to do as a team? In high school we went on the side of the road to pick up some trash and I really liked being able to make my community a cleaner place.

Q. What was the best part of your high school football days? I’d say my junior year when we played one of the best teams in the state. They were supposed to win state and we beat them at their place in the quarterfinals.

Q. What do you think about jump to FBS and Conference USA? It’s really exciting. Everyone here is excited about it. We get to play some of the best teams in the country.

Q. What is another hobby you have besides football? Sleeping! In my free time I like to sleep.

Q. What were the most memorable moments of playing for ODU these past two seasons? I’d say our game against Richmond because that was my first start.

Q. What was it like walking out on the field during your first ever home game? It was exciting! It was electric. It was amazing having the fans all riled up!

Q. What is one thing that you have always wanted to learn how to do?

I’ve always wanted to learn how to speak Chinese. It’s always been something that’s interested me since I was a kid and I always wanted to learn what they were saying.

Q. What do you think is the most valuable skill a Defensive End should possess?

The use of his hands. I’m ok with it… getting there.

Q. What are your plans after you graduate? Will you continue to be involved in football? I hope to be. If the opportunity presents itself I would like to be. If I could be involved in anything it would be athletic training.

Q. To date what has been one of your favorite football games to play in and why? I’d say the New Hampshire game last year. It was so back and forth, and the crowd really got into it so that was exciting. It was one of the most exciting games I’ve ever been apart of.

Q. If you could trade places with any other sports star, who would it be and why?

Usain Bolt, I ran track in high school and I really enjoyed it so just to say I was the fastest man in world would be really cool.

Q. What got you interested in football? My dad started me up when I was five and I’ve been playing ever since. I just fell in love with it.

Q. What advice would you give to yourself as a young football player? Just to stay low, the low man wins.

Q. Did you ever play any other sports growing up? I was always a big basketball player growing up. I always played football and basketball. I tried baseball but I wasn’t very good at it.

Q. Which one would you prefer: being inducted into the Hall of Fame or having a Super Bowl win? Probably having a Super Bowl win, I want to be a world champion.

Q. How do your teammates push you to become a better person and a better player? We all make sure we’re doing the right thing on and off the field. We keep each other accountable; make sure that we don’t sleep through class!

Q. What was the most appealing thing about ODU during the recruiting process? I liked that it was so close to the beach and that it felt like such a big family.

Q. How is it joining a fairly new football program and being able to help shape it for the players now and the players to come? It’s really cool to think about where this program is going to be in the next 10 years and to be able to say that I was one of the people who helped build it is going to be really cool. I can’t wait to see what the campus looks like in 10 or 20 years!

Q. What is your favorite part of game day? Making plays on the field for sure, then hearing the crowd cheer when you make a good play.

Q. If you could summarize your experience playing for ODU in one word what would that be?


Q. Any pre-game rituals that you have? I normally just sit in my locker, listen to some music and just think about what plays I have to make and my assignments.

Q. Who on the team would be elected as more energetic and enthusiastic than Big Blue? Alex Johnson, the other defensive end. He’s always full of energy and getting the guys motivated.

Q. What is one thing you would like to say to all the 12th Monarchs out there?

Thank you for coming to support us and the fact that it’s a sellout every game, that means a lot to us.