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Get to Know Your Monarchs: Tyler Fisher Q&A


During fall camp, featured one Monarch a day in a "Get to Know Your Monarchs" segment.  That will continue during the season, as we get to know true freshman guard, Tyler Fisher.

Tyler Fisher/LG/Richmond, Va.

Q. What are you studying here at ODU? Right now I’m undecided but I think I’d like to major in either business or sports management.

Q.  What was one of your favorite things to do growing up in Richmond? I loved getting to hang out with friends, some even followed me here. Growing up Gerard Johnson (ODU Running Back) and I lived about five minutes away from each other and we always played football against each other.

Q. If you could play for an NFL team who would you want to play for? The Denver Broncos. Peyton Manning is my favorite player and I would like to block for him.

Q. What are some of your favorite community service projects to do as a team? I always give blood when there is a blood drive going on. I think that’s really important and I’m big into that.

Q. What do you think about the jump to Conference USA? I think it’s really helping us build and improve as a team. I think we’re at a level that we can compete and hold our own against other big schools.

Q. If you could choose to be in a movie or a TV what show would you pick? I would choose to be in X-Men and my power would be super speed.

Q. What is another hobby you have besides football? I really enjoy playing basketball and try to do that on my off time.

Q. What has been your most memorable moment from the season so far? I’d say being in on the winning drive against Liberty.

Q. What was it like walking out on the field during your first ever home game? I liked getting to run out on the field and see the student section all pumped up. I love getting to see the fans all excited and it’s really cool to be apart of that.

Q. How are you personally preparing for the game Saturday? I think that the biggest thing that I’m doing is watching a lot of film.

Q. What is one thing that you have always wanted to learn how to do?  Gymnastics, I always watch it when the Olympics come on and wish that I could be able to do stuff like that.

Q. What do you think the most valuable skill an offensive guard should possess? Being able to adjust on the fly and being able to read their defense.

Q. What are you plans after you graduate? Will you continue to be involved in football? I’d like to stay involved with football; maybe coaching is in my future.

Q. To date what has been one of your favorite football games to play in and why? I’d have to say the game against Liberty. It was an exciting football game with that comeback win. I’m really glad I got to be apart of that.

Q. What got you interested in football? My dad signed me up for it when I was young. He always motivated me to stick with it even when I wanted to stop and just play basketball. I’m really glad I kept going with it.

Q. What advice would you give to yourself as a young football player? You need to be mentally tough and ready for anything that comes at you.

Q. Which one would you prefer: being inducted into the Hall of Fame or having a Super Bowl win? I’d say being in the Hall of Fame. If you’re in there then you’re a legend.

Q. How do your teammates push you to become a better person and a better player? They always encourage me when I get down. David Born is always helping me and we watch film together. The upperclassmen do a great job of just keeping my spirits up.

Q. What was the most appealing thing about ODU during the recruiting process? I’d have to say the coaches and how energetic they were about this move to Conference USA.

Q. How is it joining a fairly new football program and being able to help shape it for the players now and the players to come? I think that it’s really cool that I get to be part of something new and hopefully we can help shape it into a great program we can be proud of in the future.

Q. What is your favorite part of game day? For home games, without a doubt it would be running out of the tunnel.

Q. Who on the team would be elected as more energetic and enthusiastic than Big Blue? When D.J. Morrell gets going, he gets everybody going.

Q. What is one thing you’d like to say to all the 12th Monarchs out there? We appreciate you guys, you keep us in the game and keep us up when we’re down.