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Get to Know Your Monarchs: Paul Morant Q&A


NORFOLK, Va. - Old Dominion University football finished their second practice of the preseason in the rain this morning. will talk to a player every practice to let the fans get to know the Monarchs.

Today we take a look at senior, Paul Morant. Q&A with Paul Morant - Safety- Hampton, Va.

When did you start playing football? When I was about eight years-old.

Why Old Dominion? Keeping close to my family was important to me.

What’s on your iPod? Rap and R&B

What is it like to play in front of a sold out crowd at Foremen Field? It’s such a great experience. The energy is out of this world! I love playing against Hampton each year, the atmosphere is unreal.

Why #21? It’s my second favorite number and my brother wore it in high school and college. Also, Sean Taylor wore it. I have a lot of good reasons to wear #21.

Favorite Food? Ribs

Favorite Restaurant? Cheddars, they have the best ribs, corn and mashed potatoes. I love a good hearty meal.

Dream Vacation? Puerto Rico

Favorite Sports Teams? New England Patriots

Favorite Player? Sean Taylor (Former Redskins safety passed away in 2007) is my favorite player but I love to watch Tavon Austin, he makes some amazing plays.

What was the summer like? It was hard work. I took three classes and worked out every day, but it was good.

How was Day One of camp? Good! I’m working on a new position, so I am just learning a lot.

What’s it like being in helmets only the first couple of days? It’s good, getting the feel for it, but I can’t wait to get the shoulder pads on!

Being a local guy, what is it like showing everyone around? I show them the good areas to hang out it and where we should and shouldn’t go.

What is your leadership role as an upper classmen like? I just tell them to always plan ahead and plan for anything. You never know what could happen so being prepared and being on time is always important.