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Get to Know: Laura Bush


Oct. 8, 2012 recently caught up with ODU senior Laura Bush for a question and answer session.

This will be a weekly piece on as well as on facebook at ODU Women's Soccer. Check us out on facebook and let us know who to interview next and ideas for questions.

Get to Know: Laura Bush

Major? "Accounting"

Plans after graduation? "Graduate school"

Favorite website? "Pinterest"

What's on your iPod? "A lot of rap, like Drake, Lil Wayne, and Nicki Minaj."

Biggest inspiration? "My dad. He has worked hard to overcome a lot of obstacles. He has always supported my brother and me."

Favorite restaurant? "Skyline Chili. I always get the `Four Way', which is spaghetti noodles with chili, cheese, and onions on top."

Favorite animal? "Cats"

Favorite sport to watch (other than soccer)? "College football"

Best gift ever received? "My car when I was 16. It was a Passat."

Why did you choose ODU? "I wanted to go far away from home. I love the beach. This was a good opportunity and great fit for me."

If you could have dinner with two people in history who would they be? "Hope Solo and my Grandpa. My Grandpa passed away when I was in kindergarten. My Grandma talks about him all the time. I wish I could have gotten to know him."

Dream vacation? "Greece because the water and architecture are beautiful."

Favorite class? "Calculus in high school."

Least favorite class? "Any history class I have ever taken."

Favorite thing about the Hampton Roads area? "I love being close to the beach. I also like having downtown fairly close, but still having that hometown feel."

Favorite movie? "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Favorite actor? "Denzel Washington"

Favorite actress? "Jennifer Aniston"