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Get to Know: Aubrie Ewell


Oct. 23, 2012 recently caught up with ODU senior Aubrie Ewell for a question and answer session.

This will be a weekly piece on as well as on facebook at ODU Women's Soccer. Check us out on facebook and let us know who to interview next and ideas for questions.

Get to Know: Aubrie Ewell

Major: "Recreation and tourism management"

Favorite website: "Anything I can listen to music on."

Favorite music genre: "Country"

Favorite musician: "Michael Jackson"

Favorite restaurant: "Any of the Great American restaurants in Northern Virginia."

How did you get started playing soccer? "My Dad had me playing when I was like five years old."

Favorite sport to watch (other than soccer): "Football"

Favorite professional sports team: "The Dallas Cowboys"

What do you like to do in your time away from soccer? "I love wakeboarding at my parent's lake house. I also enjoy reading and cooking."

Why did you choose ODU? "It was a great fit for me soccer wise."

Favorite thing about the Hampton Roads area: "I love having my family and the beach fairly close to me."

Best moment in your soccer career thus far: "As a sophomore at James River High School, I led the Dominion District in scoring."

If you could have dinner with two people in history who would they be: "Emmitt Smith and J.K. Rowling."

Dream vacation: "Anywhere tropical or with a beach. A place like Bora Bora would be awesome."

Worst injury: "I fractured my skull in January of 2010. I was in ICU for a couple of days and stayed in the hospital for at least a week. I still don't have a sense of smell."

Favorite book: "Harry Potter"

Favorite actor: "Tom Hanks"

Biggest inspiration: "My Dad because he has always been there and wanted the best for me."

Plans after graduation: "Event planning of some sort. I would love to be an event coordinator for a professional sports team one day."