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Get to Know: Jessie Klamut


Sept. 13, 2012 recently caught up with ODU sophomore Jessie Klamut for a question and answer session.

This will be a weekly piece on as well as on facebook at ODU Women's Soccer. Check us out on facebook and let us know who to interview next and ideas for questions.

Major: Therapeutic recreation with a minor in psychology.

Favorite Restaurant: Red Robin.

Favorite Food: I always get a cheeseburger when I go out to eat.

Why Number 10: When I first got numbers when I was young I was number 10, then in high school I wasn't 10 until my senior year. So when I had the chance again I wanted it back.

Best gift ever received: I get a lot of good gifts; they're all good to me.

Favorite class ever taken: Psychics in high school. I really enjoyed my teacher and he did a lot for me. It was hard but he always helped me.

Worst class: English

Favorite color: Pink

Favorite animal: Giraffe or peacock

Favorite movie: We Bought a Zoo

Worst injury you've ever had. Breaking my collarbone. I did it playingbasketball. A girl fell on top of me and I heard it crack.

If you could have dinner with two people (dead or alive), who would they be? My uncle, he died of cancer two years and I really miss him. I think it be really cool to have dinner with Jesus.

Favorite sport other than soccer: Basketball

Favorite website: Pinterest

Favorite thing about the Hampton Roads area: I love the zoo. I never got to go in high school (from Virginia Beach) and it's such a fun place to go.