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Get to Know: Sara Brock

PMSZGAEXPBLHJOQPMSZGAEXPBLHJOQ recently caught up with ODU junior Sara Brock for a question and answer session.

This will be a weekly piece on as well as on facebook at ODU Women's Soccer. Check us out on facebook and let us know who to interview next and ideas for questions.

Major: Exercise Science

Favorite Restaurant: Chipotle

What is on your IPod: Lots of different music, but country is my favorite genre. I also like Keisha and Katy Perry.

Favorite Website: Pinterest

Best Gift you ever received: A puppy for Christmas

Favorite Color: Tiffany Blue

Favorite Animal: Polar Bear

Biggest Inspiration: My mom because she has always been there and supported me in a positive manner. She attends practically every game.

Favorite Sport to Watch (other than soccer): Football. Go New York Giants!

Favorite thing to do in the Hampton Roads area: The beach

Favorite Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean and Katy Perry's Part of Me

Why ODU?: I really like what they had to offer. Sports are taken seriously here. I like the city because there is a lot to do. I also didn't want to go to school too far away from home.

Worst Injury you've ever had: Broken Ankle in high school

Most Memorable Moment in soccer: Scoring a goal for my club team in California against the National Champions.

Dream Vacation: Australia or Ireland