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Get to Know: Kelly Evans


Aug. 20, 2012 recently caught up with ODU senior Kelly Evans to do a little question and answer session.

This will be a weekly piece on as well as on facebook at ODU Women's Soccer. Check us out on facebook and let us know who to interview next and ideas for questions.

Greatest soccer memory: "Winning the Virginia State championship (AA)."

Why #14?: "I wore 12 up until college, but ODU didn't have that number, so I went with #14 and stuck with it."

Major: "Biology with a minor in Criminal Justice."

Plans for after graduation: "Maybe graduate school for Genetics."

Favorite Animal: "I love puppies, especially Golden Retrievers and Yellow Labs."

Movie: "Pride and Prejudice"

Color: "Purple"

Hobbies: "Reading (Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and The Twilight)"

Music: "Country"

Did you watch the 2012 Olympics: "We actually watched the soccer games as part of team bonding. I also really enjoyed watching Beach Volleyball and thought Speed-Walking was cool."

If you could have dinner with two people in history who would they be: "Charles
Darwin and Amy Winehouse."

Hero/Inspiration: "My grandfather because he came from a poor town and built my family."