All Sports Schedule

CAA Blogger: Mary Bermingham


Feb. 23, 2012

Blog Post #1

It’s finally February! February to most lacrosse players is the most anticipated month of the entire year. It means that games are right around the corner. Within the next few weeks everyone will start up their season. All the hard work during the fall and Christmas break will start to pay off. All the plays and movements will start to come together and look sharp.

This is the best preseason of ODU lacrosse that I have been apart of. Everyone has been coming out to practice excited and with a great attitude. We are all working really hard and coming together as a team. I think a lot of this has to do with the tremendous work that our coaches have been doing. They have been thinking of ways to make practice fun but hard. Every week we do a competition between the defense and the attack. The coaches set up a drill or activity and then they keep score. This always gets very competitive and gets everyone pumped up. It is one of my most favorite times of the week. We have been working hard in the weight room as well. We have been working on our strength and our quickness. We have been doing circuits that have been working on our cardio, quickness, and strength. We have also been doing a lot of conditioning. One of the conditioning activities we do weakly is the timed mile. Every week everyone seems to be improving their times.

Read the full blog here