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ODU Takes 12th at the Charleston Intersectional


Feb. 20, 2012

CHARLESTON, S.C.- The Old Dominion University coed sailing team finished 12th at the Charleston Intersectional over the weekend in the spring season-opening event.

Saturday provided ideal weather as temperatures rose into the low 60's with a light breeze on the Cooper River. Sunday's thunderstorms and wind complicated some of the late races, but tall 18 races were eventually completed.

Host College of Charleston won the 18-team event with 67 total points while ODU finished in 12th in the event with a team score of 211. 

Competing for the Monarchs in the A-Division was junior skipper Collin Leon and freshman crew Colin Voigt, who finished in 13th place with 93 points.

The B-Divsion race, sophomore skipper Mark Miedama and sophomore crew Alexa Cavalieri took 14th with 118 points.

211 points, 12th of 18 teams and 18 races
A: Leon and Voight, 93 points
B: Miedama and Cavalieri, 118 points