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MONARCH Q&A: Junior Amanda Bieber of the Nationally Ranked Field Hockey Team


Oct. 14, 2009

Old Dominion University field hockey player Amanda Bieber recently chatted with for this week's Q&A. The junior midfield/back talks about her field hockey background and her hopes for this years team. Bieber has 10 career points and recently scored her first goal of the 2009 season this past Sunday against Hofstra.

How long have you played field hockey?
I have been playing for as long as I can remember, probably for about nine years. I started playing when I was in seventh grade.

How did you get started in the sport?
There was a sign up sheet at my school and the idea sounded interesting and fun, so I just signed up.

As a midfielder/back, what skills are essential to have?
Defensive skills are really important, along with good footwork. You must have hitting skills and patience on the field during the games.

What are your team goals for this season having gone to the CAA Championship game last year?
We want to make it to the NCAA and CAA championship.

What is your pre-game warm up ritual?
Dynamic stretching, roll 1 defense, passing and marking skills.

How many times can you bounce the ball on the edge of your field hockey stick?
More than I can think of; the last time I counted it was well over 100!

After playing three years for Old Dominion, what is the most important thing you have learned about the sport?
This sport is very team involved. All the girls are really close on the team. Two of my best friends I met on the team. The more you can give on and off the field, the better we play together and the stronger we are.

How has playing for Coach Anders effected your view on the sport?
She is really focused on making us become the best players we can be. She told us that attack wins games and defense wins championships. I think of this motto in games and in practice. Playing Division I top level teams also challenges us to play our best at all times.

You are from Pennsylvania, how many games are your family members able to come to?
The parents and families of field hockey are awesome. My parents come to almost every game, but the games they can not make, I am not that upset because the other parents are there and everyone is really close, so it's just like having my parents there as well.

Rapid Fire:

What is your favorite movie?
Remember the Titans or The Notebook.

How much food do you eat after games?
A ton of food. Easily three servings for a meal.

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food?
Ice cream. Any type of chocolate ice cream. Rocky Road and Fudge Brownie are my favorites.

Who is your favorite Disney princess?

If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go and why?
To a mountain house because it's quiet and peaceful up there.

What is your best field hockey memory?
Going to the NCAA Tournament as a freshman.

What is playing on your IPod right now?
Country music.

If you could play any other sport, what would it be?