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MONARCH Q&A: Men's Soccer Captain Adam Roscioli


Sept. 21, 2009

Old Dominion men's soccer player and team captain Adam Roscioli took time out of his day to talk to for today's Q&A. The junior defender talks Rod Stewart, beach volleyball and returning to the CAA Championship. He has started all six games so far this season, helping Old Dominion to a 5-1 overall record including three shutouts and a perfect 4-0 record at home.

Where and when was the first time you started playing soccer?
I've been playing since I was four; 17 years now. I was in a little rec league where they used cones to mark the goals.

What was the first pair of soccer shoes you owned?
I had a pair of Mitre cleats - they were black and green and I still have them. Actually, I still have shoe boxes in a closet of every pair of cleats I've worn up until now.

Who has been the most influential person in your athletic career?
Definitely my dad. He has always kind of been there pushing me when he thought I was not doing the best I could.

What song, if any, gets you pumped up before games?
I always listen to a Three Days Grace song...(laughing) it's called "(I Hate) Everything About You" -- it's got a lot of energy.

You are one of the men's soccer co-captain's -- what are the goals of the team for the overall season?
We definitely want to win a CAA Championship and make it back into the NCAA Tournament -- see how far we can go.

What does it mean being named captain as a junior? How is that leadership role reflected on and off the field?
It's a big deal to me. The coaches have given me an opportunity to lead, even though there are some older guys, and I feel like, bsaically I'm the captain that needs to show how it should be done. I feel like I have to lead by example. That's both on and off the field with grades, actions and how I treat people as well as my demeanor on the field.

Why defense?
I think Coach likes the fact that I'm disciplined. I'm aggressive and he knows I'm more of a 'brains' player. I'm not necessarily the fastest or the quickest, but I definitely use my mind to play.

How exciting was it to win the CAA title your freshman year and how eager are you to return to the NCAA Tournament?
It was exciting; and to tell you the truth, it's one of those things that you don't realize exactly how exciting it was until after the fact when you don't make it. Now when I look back on it, I'm like 'man it was such an opportunity!' I never knew that it was such a big deal until the next year when I realized how hard it was to make it. I'd give anything to go back into that CAA Tournament and do it again.

Rapid Fire
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
High School Mascot: Cavalier
Best Soccer Memory: State championship in Seattle
Favorite Food: Chicken Carbonara
Favorite TV Show: Friends
What's on your iPod: Everything from Rod Stewart to Lil Wayne
Treadmill or Running Outside: Running outside
Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry: Definitely vanilla
Biggest pet peeve: when people text when they're around you
If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be: Probably Rob Dyrdek, because he lives a pretty cool life
Favorite sports team as a kid: Philadelphia Eagles
Super power you would like to have: To read people's minds
If you weren't playing soccer, what sport would you play: Definitely beach volleyball. I love it.
Who's your funniest teammate: We have a lot of pretty funny guys on the team. I think Jason Loizou is pretty funny. He's kind of like the ringleader and people will play off of him.
What is your favorite pro sports memory: Michael Jordan beating the Utah Jazz in the 1998 NBA finals
If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why: Diego Maradona. Not only was he a great soccer player but he's been through a lot, so it would be interesting to hear his perspective on life