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Q&A With ODU Football's Christopher Burnette


Jan. 13, 2009

A weekly Q&A with an Old Dominion University football player



Chris Burnette

Defensive Lineman


Randallstown, Md.



When did you begin playing football?

 I began playing football in the 9th grade. My mom and all of my friends pressured me to play.


Who has had the greatest impact on your career? 

My mom because she is a single parent and has always been there to motivate me in my life. She has always been there when I was at my lowest.


Why did you choose to attend ODU?

 I wanted to be a part of something new and start a new tradition at a new program. ODU offered me a good education and a chance to play football early.


What has been the biggest difference between high school football and college football?

 It's played at a faster speed and you can never take a play off because the coaches are watching your every move.


What has it been the best part about being a member of ODU's first football team in over 60 years?

 Seeing people excited about football on campus because they can't wait for the season to begin.


If you could play another position what would it be and why?

I would play WR because I want to make big catches that change the momentum of the game.


Favorite sports other than your own?

Basketball which is my second passion.


After meeting Coach Wilder for the first time, what were your thoughts?

He was a very energetic person that was very serious about having a championship caliber team at Old Dominion.


After meeting your position coach for the first time, what were your thoughts?

After meeting Coach Cotton for the first time, my thoughts were that he was a very down to earth person that was going to make me a great football player and a great person.


Do you have a pre-game ritual, if so what is it?

I lay upside down on the floor and take a nap with my pads on to get myself relaxed before the game.


What is your funniest memory from an ODU practice thus far?

Listening to Coach Scott's quotes during 1 on 1's with the DL and OL.  For example "YOU'RE SOOOOO SOFT" and "THATS A WASTE OF A REP".


If you could line up opposite any player in the NFL and go 1-on-1, who would it be and why?

Adrian Peterson because he is one of the best backs in the game right now and I always want to put myself against the best.


What song is stuck in your head right now?

Haunted House by Gucci Mane


What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

That I can dunk because they would not expect that from a 6'4, 270 defensive lineman.


What is your dream job?

To own a sports fitness complex for football training


What is your most valued possession?

My championship football ring from my sophomore year in high school. My school was ranked 12th in the nation that year and won our league championship.


What is your favorite place to eat on campus?

Chick-fil-A. I get 2 chicken biscuits every Tuesday and Thursday morning