All Sports Schedule

Q&A With ODU Football's Drew Hareza


Nov. 21, 2008

A weekly Q&A with an Old Dominion University football player


Drew Hareza

Placekicker / Punter


McDonald, Pa.



When did you begin playing football?

In the 6th grade


Who has had the greatest impact on your career?

My parents


Why did you choose to attend ODU?

It's a chance to be a part of something most people can't, it's a different area from where I grew up, good academics, warmer weather and a good conference


What has been the biggest difference between high school football and college football?

The time spent doing football related activities and the speed of the game


What has it been the best part about being a member of ODU's first football team in over 60 years?

Knowing I am a part of something most will never have a chance to be a part of


If you could play another position what would it be and why?

Outside linebacker, it's what I played in high school


Favorite sports other than your own?



After meeting Coach Wilder for the first time, what were your thoughts?

He knows what he's doing and seems like a caring coach


After meeting your position coach for the first time, what were your thoughts?

He seems like a really down-to-earth guy


Do you have a pre-game ritual, if so what is it?

I shower a few hours before the game and listen to relaxing music to help me focus


What is your funniest memory from an ODU practice thus far?

Jonathan Plisco bending down and getting hit in the head with a punt


If you could line up opposite any player in the NFL and go 1-on-1, who would it be and why?

Jeff Reed, to see if I could beat him in distance and accuracy


What song is stuck in your head right now?

Pop Bottles


What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

I design clothing


What is your dream job?

To be a designer for my own company


What is your most valued possession?

My laptop


What is your favorite place to eat on campus?
