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Q&A With ODU Football's Tommy Reamon


Nov. 17, 2008

A weekly Q&A with an OldDominionUniversity football player



Tommy Reamon



Newport News, Va.


When did you begin playing football?

I was 9 years old


Who has had the greatest impact on your career?

My father


Why did you choose to attend ODU?

The chance to make history, location, and a good education.


What has been the biggest difference between high school football and college football?

The speed and the talent surrounding me.


What has it been the best part about being a member of ODU's first football team in over 60 years?

The excitement around Hampton Roads


If you could play another position what would it be and why?

Wide receiver because they have it far to easy


Favorite sports other than your own?



After meeting Coach Wilder for the first time, what were your thoughts?

This man is intense!!


After meeting your position coach for the first time, what were your thoughts?

This guy looks my age.


Do you have a pre-game ritual, if so what is it?

No, just focus and prepare myself mentally while listening to Lil Wayne


What is your funniest memory from an ODU practice this far?

I don't really have one, but Coach Scott makes me laugh from time to time.


If you could line up opposite any player in the NFL and go 1-on-1, who would it be and why?

Ray Lewis, I think I could take him.


What song is stuck in your head right now?

Lil Wayne, "I blew up before I grew up"


What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

I have a 38 year old bother


What is your dream job?

NFL Quarterback/ president or CEO of Nike.


What is your most valued possession?

A signed helmet that Joe Montana signed and mailed to my father to give to Michael Vick. That was 5 years ago, it's still sitting in my room.


What is your favorite place to eat on campus?

Rogers, I love their hamburgers