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Q&A With ODU Football's Andrew Turner


Oct. 28, 2008

A weekly Q&A with an Old Dominion University football player


Andrew Turner

Defensive End


Virginia Beach, Va.



When did you begin playing football?

I started playing football when I was about 7 years old


Who has had the greatest impact on your career?

I would definitely have to say that my high school football coach Chris DeWitt and the rest of my coaches really helped me grow as a player and a person.


Why did you choose to attend ODU?

I wanted to be a part of something special.  The opportunity to start a program like this and to do it close to home, I really couldn’t be happier.


If you could play another position what would it be and why?

Well growing up my favorite player was John Elway and I always wanted to be like him so I would have to say quarterback.  Playing defensive line, I kind of went the other way on that (ha-ha)


Favorite sports other than your own?

I’m a big sports fan.  I can really watch any sport, but I have always loved basketball.


After meeting Coach Wilder for the first time, what were your thoughts?

Meeting Coach Wilder for the first time, I really lost any doubts about whether the program would be successful or not.  He just seemed so determined to make us not just winners on the field, but in life.


After meeting defensive line coach Dealton Cotton for the first time, what were your thoughts?

Meeting Coach Cotton for the first time I got the feeling that he was a real players’ coach.  A coach that I could talk to if I ever had a problem or anything.  He just made me feel real comfortable.


Do you have a pre-game ritual, if so what is it?

I guess.  I like to get all taped up and dressed early so I can get used to the pads and everything.  Then I just sit at my locker and blast my IPod as loud as it goes till it is time to go out.

What is your funniest memory from an ODU practice thus far?

I would have to say pretty much every practice listening to the coaches great quotes.  My personal favorite is Coach Scott's "That’s SOFT!!!!”.


If you could play along with any player in the NFL who would it be and why?

Well I have a lot of respect for Michael Strahan.  Playing the same position as him, I really enjoy watching him play. He is such a student of the game and has been playing for so long, I think I could learn a thing or two from him.


What song is stuck in your head right now?

Heartless by Kanye West


What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

Probably that I am a big history buff.  That’s one of the few classes that I really enjoy.


What is your dream job?

Starting defensive end for the Denver Broncos.


What is your most valued possession?

Probably all the old pictures of my father.  He passed away in the Gulf War when I was a baby so those really mean a lot to me.


What is your favorite place to eat on campus?

That’s an easy one.  Taco Bell on Hampton Blvd. if that’s considered on campus.  If not, then Quiznos in the Webb Center.