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Old Dominion Second Round Tournament Quotes

March 25, 2008

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Head Coach Wendy Larry

Opening Statement:
"This type of a hate to have to see a winner and a loser because it was such a great battle and I really do feel like we were prepared to play the first five minutes of the game. Virginia is such a good basketball team. They're so physically gifted and athletic that they punch back. We expect it's going to be a game of runs. We thought we had a pretty good run going with about four minutes to go and low and behold they arise from the dead. I thought Littles really, the last five minutes of the regulation into the overtime, was just phenomenal really. She played with a different type of passion and energy. This little engine that could was relentless, too. As much as we felt like we had the possession of the win in had at the end of regulation, to have to win it again in overtime, was just significant."

On Jazzmin Walters' performance:
"Ironically, we felt the first five minutes of the game she had absolutely no energy. She looked flat; her eyes didn't have that sparkle they usually have. She has such a bounce in her step that we felt like we had to get her out of the game and talk to her a little bit. I went down to the end of the bench and said `Jazzmin, I know you're not feeling 100% but nobody here cares. You've got to give us a better effort.' I think she really listened because she hasn't been 100% the last couple of days. She has a sinus infection. It really changed her personality because she's so upbeat."

On playing at home:
"We talk about defending this house all the time and what a great sixth man there was in this house. Every time I asked them to respond, they did. I thought the energy level in the house was outstanding. The atmosphere was awesome. To have this opportunity to get to a Sweet 16 here with the people that came out to support this tournament was really significant and we're just really proud of the fact that we will be able to represent not just Old Dominion but the Colonial [Athletic Association] and also Hampton Roads. We're hoping that everybody will certainly tell a friend to shove on down the road to Greensboro."

On the last Virginia possession in overtime:
"Ironically, we talked about no blocks. We talked about going straight up with people but [Tiffany Green] had such a great opportunity to come at her with an extended arm. Now truly [Lyndra] Littles got that back and still got another one up so it was a block that went back to her and she got the second shot up that was kind of off to the left. Again, there was an awful lot of Lady Luck in the game like this, too. Sometimes the ball just has to bounce your way at a certain moment and certainly we have been in that situation before and hopefully we'll be in that situation again."

T.J. Jordan, senior, guard

On last game at the Ted Constant Convocation Center:
"I didn't really think about it until I got a text from my brother. He was like `this is your real last game playing at the Ted.' I have a lot of good memories and didn't want to leave on a bad note. All I can say is way to go out on our home court."

On playing Virginia:
"For me, being a senior, we lost to them my freshman year, my sophomore year. To go to their house, they beat us pretty bad up there; it's just significant to win here on our court. And for these circumstances, this is a classic game to remember. You can't ask to go out any better than this."

Jazzmin Walters, junior, guard

On three-point shot that gave Old Dominion the lead in overtime:
"When I first caught it I wanted to really attack but the girl kind of backed off of me and once I let it go I knew it was good after that. I just shot it with a lot of confidence."

On three point shot and looking to score:
"Once I got the ball, I just let it go. Just let it fly, didn't even think twice. I was just looking to attack. That play wasn't actually set up for me to score, but it ended that way."

On what the win means to her:
"A couple of seconds can be a long time for another team to have opportunities to score. It's the NCAA Tournament, no one wants to go home so they're going to play hard till there is zero seconds left on the clock. When it went to overtime, I knew it was going to be a battle. I knew we were going to have to fight to the last second. That's exactly what we had to do. After I made the three, I still didn't think it was over. [Tiffany] Green came up with the biggest block of the game."

Tiffany Green, junior, center/forward

On blocking Little's three-pointer at end of overtime:
"I wasn't concerned. I couldn't take any chances. The first thing I thought was just to contest the shot. She looked she was getting ready to set up for the shot. So the first thing in my mind was block the shot."

Thoughts after blocking Little's three-pointer at end of overtime:
"Victory. Victory, you know. I'm very happy. You work hard. That's pretty much how I look at it. You work had all through the season."