All Sports Schedule

Sailaplooza Friday from 2-6


Sept. 19, 2006

ODU Sailing will be participating in a campus community reach-outcalled Sailaplooza.

The teams goal is to take at least 200 people sailing in 4 hours on Friday, Sept. 22 from 2-6pm, using our fleet of boats and sailors. The purpose is to introduce as many people as possible to our sailing program and the sport.

The sailors will be taking students, staff, and faculty, that have never sailed, or have limited experience, in one of the collegiate dinghies, sailing with one of the team members. These sailing introductions will be about 20 minutes long and include some basic instruction.

Back ground: Note's ODU head coach Mitch Brindley."During last years' ICSA Coaches' symposium, Walt Brown, then President of Layline, and I started talking about what college sailing can do for the sport of sailing. Walt has always told me that Layline sponsors college sailing because he is fan of how many sailors are introduced to sailing while in college. College sailing teams are in the unique position to offer access to sailing to those that have never had access to the sport. We came up with the Sailapalooza idea as way to introduce even more people to the sport. He and I have talked about it some since last January, and I finally got it together."

Goal: Utilize College Sailing teams, facilities, and collegiate energy to introduce as many people to the sport of sailing as possible. In the process, build campus awareness for the sailing team or club, foster community and campus relations, and recruit new team members if you need them.

with your facilities and advisor that there is no conflict. Have fun!

All participants will wear a provided ODU life-jacket.

For more information, please contact the ODU sailing office at683-3387.