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ODU Sailing Takes Fifth At Washington College Team Race


Feb. 27, 2006

CHESTERTOWN, MD - Despite canceling racing on the second day of the competition due to an extreme low tide, ODU managed to place fifth going 4-3 at the Washington College Team Race this weekend. Washington College took first at the event with a 6-1 record.

The teams completed 40 races Saturday. Most races sailed in strong 12-18 knot southwest winds that later died down to 4-6 knots for the last 6 races. One round robin was completed with 12 races sailed in the second round robin. The schedule had the completion of the second round and a single final four round for Sunday, but due to an extreme low tide, no sailing occurred. Since the second round robin was not completed final score represent totals from the first round robin only.

Final Results:

1. Washington College 6-12. Georgetown 5-23. SUNY Maritime 4-3*4. Kings Point 4-3*5. Old Dominion 4-3*6. Hampton 4-3*7. Maryland 1-68. Army 0-7

Winning Team: Washington CollegeCarl Horrocks / Derek PackardParker Mitchell / Shri Puri, Colleen KellyNick Larmore / Alexandria Starks

*Ties have been broken per ICSA PR's.SUNY beat Hampton and KP in second round robin (sail-off) and ODU in firstround robin.KP beat Hampton and ODU in first round robin.ODU Beat Hampton in first round robin.

Bob Bavier Team Race Results:

CHARLESTON, SC - Old Dominion sailors took seventh at the Bob Bavier Team Race with a 4-10 record. Sailing for the Monarchs were Charles Higgins, David Tunicliffe, Bobby Noonan, Michael Collins, Jennifer Adams, Jaclyn Finney, Alissa Ayres, Ryan Kozoriz. St. Mary's College took first at the event with a 14-3 record.

Saturday morning racing started at 10:00 in a light easterly breeze (4-6 knots) with an ebbing tide. The breeze slowly shifted right as the morning progressed, with the breeze increasing a little (6-8knots). As the rain approached midday, the breeze became a little unstable resulting in a lunch break, 17 races were completed in the morning. After an extended lunch break the wind filled from the northeast around 2:45 at about 5-8 knots. The full round robin was completed. Three protests were filed with one disqualification.

On Sunday, racing began early with a report time at 8:30am. The breeze was strong (18-22 knots) from the northeast. A second round robin was completed with a single final four. There were many protests with three of them resulting in disqualification and one re-sailed race.

Final Results:

1. St. Mary's14-32. Georgetown12-53. C of C11-64. Boston College8-95. Eckerd6-86. Hawaii5-97. ODU4-108. Boston2-12

Winning Team: 14-3 SMC, Justin Law, John Howell, John Loe, Hilary Wiech, Margaret Lunkes.Meredith Nodhem, Eric Reitinger, James Gilman, Phelps C. Kelley

The Monarchs sailors are back in action next weekend as they host the Old Dominion Open; racing will begin at an undetermined time on Saturday, March 4th. ODU will also be sending sailors to compete in the Georgetown Team Race.