Nov. 10, 2005
The Old Dominion University basketball call-in radio shows, featuring head coaches Blaine Taylor and Wendy Larry, will begin weekly on Monday, Nov. 14 on ESPN Radio 1310 and continue through the completion of the season.
The men's basketball call-in show, featuring Taylor and host John Castleberry, will air on Mondays from 5-6 p.m., while the Lady Monarch show featuring Larry and host Tony Mercurio will air on Tuesdays from 5-6 p.m. Fans can ask questions of the coaches by calling 757-497-1310, or by directing their questions to the "Virginia Lottery Ask the Coach" site on In addition, fans can listen to the coaches shows' via the website, by signing up for e All Access program, which also provides live audio of all the men's and women's basketball broadcasts on ESPN Radio 1310, as well as live video of all the home games.
The dates of the coaches shows are as follows:
Monday, Nov. 14Blaine Taylor
Tuesday, Nov. 15Wendy Larry
no shows the week of Nov. 21
Nov. 28Blaine Taylor
Nov. 30 (Wed)Wendy Larry
Dec. 5Blaine Taylor
Dec. 6Wendy Larry
Dec 12Blaine Taylor
Dec 13Wendy Larry
Dec. 19 Blaine Taylor
Dec 20 Wendy Larry
Dec 27Wendy Larry
Dec.28 (Wed)Blaine Taylor
Jan. 2Blaine Taylor
Jan. 4 (Wed)Wendy Larry
Jan. 9Blaine Taylor
Jan. 10Wendy Larry
Jan. 16Blaine Taylor
Jan. 17Wendy Larry
Jan. 23Blaine Taylor
Jan. 24Wendy Larry
Jan. 30Blaine Taylor
Jan. 31Wendy Larry
Feb 6Blaine Taylor
Feb 7Wendy Larry
Feb 13Blaine Taylor
Feb 14Wendy Larry
Feb 20Blaine Taylor
Feb. 21Wendy Larry
Feb 27Blaine Taylor
Feb 28Wendy Larry
Mar 5 (Mon)Wendy Larry
Mar 8 (Wed)Blaine Taylor
Mar 13Blaine Taylor
Mar 14Wendy Larry