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Old Dominion vs. Drexel Post-Game Quotes

Feb. 1, 2004

Recap|Box Score

Old Dominion Head Coach Wendy Larry
"There's no question in my mind how important the first five minutes of a game are. It is a huge confidence blower for an opponent to come out like that. When our defense's intensity is there, it's a good thing. Our starters gave a great five minutes and that allowed the bench to play earlier and get some big minutes."

"No matter where you are on the road, it is nothing like playing at home."

On Sherida Triggs' performance:
"That was pretty nice for her to get in the passing lanes and knock some down. She did a great job today and it built her confidence."

Senior Guard Marianthi Koukouvinou
On her three-pointers:
"My shot felt really good and I just prayed that it went in. I was shooting it really well in practice, so I didn't hesitate."

Freshman Forward Sherida Triggs
"I was surprised on how easy it came to me. I was just in the right place at the right time. When our team works together, that is when we connect. When Monique (Coker), Myriah (Spence), and Max (Nhassengo) are gone, us underclassmen know we have to step up. We know they are going to need us."

Drexel University Head Coach Denise Dillion
"We didn't compete too well in the beginning of the game. You have to go into the game ready to play and they (ODU) played hard. Old Dominion came out blazing and our girls just folded under the pressure. They simply outmatched us. With their talent and athleticism, it is hard to match up with them."

On ODU's Max Nhassengo:
"She has been playing well. She has experience and she's found her role and stepped up. She is doing exactly what they need her to do. She goes in hard, she rebounds, she plays defense; she's one of the key players."

Sophomore Forward Catherine Scanlon
"They are the most athletic, the most skilled team that we played in the league so far."