All Sports Schedule

Game Quotes

Feb. 23, 2003

Recap|Box Score

Wendy Larry, Old Dominion Head Coach:

"Our team is on the edge of being able to put teams away. It we could just learn how to take care of the ball earlier that would make all the difference."

"Monique Coker played very well on both ends of the court. Okeisha (Howard) plays well day in and day out, she mixes it up and is starting to figure out her rhythm. We shot the ball consistently well from the floor. We just have to be a little more patient on our shot selection and take care of the ball."

Debbie Tanneyhill, George Mason Head Coach

"Rebounding has been a weakness all year long and we have been working on that all year in practice. (Kim) Giddens and (Monique) Coker can really get on the glass, they did a great job today."

"This building is so much better, it is a beautiful facility. There is a great atmosphere and excitement throughout the game. It is a great place to play. I would much rather play in front of 500 fans than 50. We always like coming here to play because of the atmosphere."

Jen Derevjanik, Junior Guard

"You always hate to lose no matter how it happens. But I do feel good about this one because we didn't come in here with fear in our eyes, we just kept fighting. I've noticed fear in the eyes of my teammates when we came here before but it wasn't like that today."