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Game Quotes

Wendy Larry, Old Dominion Head Coach:

"A real physical battle, the way we attacked the boards was significant. We got a great attack tonight, these guys (Okeisha Howard, Max Nhassengo, and Shareese Grant) are really working well together."

"Every game that we play we look at individually and play one game at a time. We mixed it up a lot and we are still staying ahead of the posse."

On Allison Trapp- "She is a senior and she is playing like a senior. She has got a lot to think as far as ODU is concerned."

On Monique Coker- "The intent was light a fire under her butt. She is a blue chip and she did a great job on the glass for us today but I think the more she continues to get rebounds, the more the shots will come around."

Tina Martin, Delaware Head Coach:

"It was a very hard fought game. ODU is the top pick in all their games, but I thought our kids fought. It was very physical inside but we just didn't finish. I have to credit ODU."

"(Max) Nhassengo is very talented and (Shareese) Grant hits the pull up jump shot. Old Dominion had terrific players and those two players are terrific players."

Allison Trapp, Delaware Senior Guard:

"We just didn't hit shots down the stretch. I like the challenge against Old Dominion."