All Sports Schedule

Old Dominion vs. Rutgers Quotes

Jan. 31, 2003

Recap|Box Score

Wendy Larry, ODU Head Coach:

"Offensive glass and free throws make all the difference in the world in a physical game like this. We didn't get on the glass and we didn't follow through at the line."

"(Cappie) Pondexter is the finest young point guard in the country. You have just seen one of the finest young players in college basketball."

"Taking care of the ball down the stretch is so critical. Tonight, our front line turned the ball over, and the ball went down the other way and turned into transition buckets. You can't make those mistakes against a team like Rutgers"

Kim Giddens, Senior forward:

"Free throws killed us tonight. Everything was equal except for free throws and it is devastating when something as little as free throws take the game away."

On getting her fourth foul: "I had to hold back and not play as aggressive. That makes it hard to play defense"

Max Nhassengo, Junior guard:

"We realized that we need to change our defense on (Cappie Pondexter). So we moved to a box and one. We just didn't make our free throws and let it slip away."

C. Vivian Stringer, Rutgers Head Coach:

"It was the game we thought it would be. We were worried about ODU's rebounds but we just wanted to push the ball down the floor. They (ODU) worked hard."

"Defense can always be there. We were able to make a few adjustments to stop the dribble penetration."

Cappie Pondexter, Rutgers sophomore guard:

"The shots were there and I knocked them down. I thank God that I have teammates that step up."