All Sports Schedule

Old Dominion vs. VCU Quotes

Jan. 24, 2003

Box Score

Virginia Commonwealth Head Coach David Glass:

"I think we got tired. Since we are not very deep, it happens all the team. We missed a bunch of shots under the basket."

On the Ted Constant Convocation Center:

"The buzz was that is was a little bit different. It's a nice crowd, great environment, and what every college crowd should have."

On Max Nhassengo:

"She killed us off penetration. I heard she plays at a higher speed. Tonight she was able to play with the team extremely well."

Old Dominion Head Coach Wendy Larry:

On Max Nhassengo:

"She started against Penn State and did real well. I talked to her before the game tonight and make sure she understood that her not starting was not a punishment. We needed her to come off the bench and give us a spark."

"This team is an enigma. On any night, any one of them can come up big. We play a lot more people and use our up-tempo to break our opponent down. If you can keep pushing that tempo, if its hard for the other team to hold up."

"We didn't battle on the glass in first half like we did in the second half. Monique Coker on the offensive glass in the second half is what we need to see consistently."

Old Dominion junior guard Max Nhassengo:

"I was more focused and let the game come to me. I worked on taking a better shot selection."

"I don't feel pain. My knee is fine. I'm 100 percent."