Corrie Clement Wins BYO Radial and Funk Places Third in Navy Laser Opener
NORFOLK, VA (September 10, 2000) -- Old Dominion sophomore Corrie Clement (Metarie, LA) won theBYO Radial regatta held at Old Dominion and junior Brad Funk (HarborBluffs, FL) placed third in the Navy Laser Open at Annapolis, MD. Witha top-six finish Funk qualifies for the MAISA SinglehandedChampionships.Clement won by virtue of two first-place and six second-place finishesto edge out Ali Sharp of St. Mary's College. Also placing in the topten for Old Dominion at the Radial were Sally Barkow (Nashotah, WI) andJessica Simpson (Ontario, Canada).
In Riley Cup competition, which was also held at Old Dominion, theMonarchs finished second with 63 points to take the runner-up spotbehind Georgetown. The A division boat of Brock Callen and JeanenneCochran finished with one first and second-place finish, while the Bdivision boat of Jack Kerr and Liz Bower accomplished the same.
RILEY CUP REGATTA BYO RADIALFinal Scores Final Scores1. Georgetown 32 1. Corrie Clement (ODU) 432. Old Dominion 63 2. Ali Sharp (St. Mary's) 603. Washington Coll. 72 3. Jamie Smith (St. Mary's) 764. Navy 76 4. Sally Barkow (ODU) 865. UMBC 85 5. Julia Lillis (Navy) 966. St. Mary's 867. CNU 108 NAVY LASER OPEN 8. Columbia 133 Final Scores 9. King's Point 152 1. Bernard Luttmer (Queen's)3910. Loyola 157 2. Travis Weber (Navy) 43 3. Brad Funk (ODU) 66 4. Brent Jensen (St. Mary's) 725. Ryan Costello (G-town) 77
BYO RADIAL NAVY LASER OPEN6. Jessica Simpson (ODU) 104 6. Talbott Ingram (HWmS) 827. Danielle Soriano (CFC) 107 7. Nathan Cowan (Queens) 848. Robin Rey (?) 108 8. Troy Treaccar (Navy) 989. Roseanne Monti (?) 114 9. Matt Allen (ODU) 10410. Ericka Amon (NYM) 121 10. David Wright (KP) 12511. Emily DuPont (Navy) 12312. Debbie Capozzi (ODU) 12513. Amy Ironmomger (UVA) 15014. Erica Weber (KP) 15015. Anna Cobb (ODU) 18116. Alexa Bestoso (Navy) 18617. Elisabeth Biondi (ODU) 20618. Jeanne Herman (CofC) 21519. Kai Perry (Hampton) 220